



A MEANS for a computer to any computer anywhere in the world using dedicated routers and servers. When two computers connect to the Internet, they can send and receive all sorts of information such as text, graphics, sound, video, and computer software. Nobody owns the Internet, although many organizations in the world to cooperate in the functioning and development.

With high-speed optical fiber cables (called columns) that the majority of internet travel information by telephone companies in their respective countries invaded. Wide Internet grew from Advanced Research Projects Agency Network Area (then called the ARPANET), established by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1960 for cooperation in military research between business and government labs. Later, universities and other institutions linked to the U.S..

 This led to ARPANET beyond everyone's expectations and took the name "internet". Developing hypertext-based technology (called the World Wide Web, WWW, or simply the Web) provided through text, graphics, and animations, and easily search and navigation tools as well as leading Internet explosive growth worldwide.