



A server that sits between a client application like a web browser and a real server. It captures all requirements in the real server to see if the application itself can be completed. If not, it sends the request to the real server ..

Most large businesses, organizations and universities these days use a proxy server. It's a server that all computers on the local network to go through before accessing information on the Internet. Using a proxy server, a network organization to improve performance and to filter it to connect to the network users can access.

 A proxy server improves Internet access speed of a network primarily by using a cache system. Caching saves recently viewed Web sites, images, and files on a local hard disk so that they should not be downloaded from the back. While your browser may have recently seen articles stored on your computer, a cache proxy server received all of the network. 

This means if Bob views a story on at 1:00 and Jill views the same page at 01:03, she will probably get on the straight from the proxy server's cache. Although this means faster access to Web sites, it also means users can not see the latest version of each page. 

The other main purpose of a proxy server to filter what is allowed in the ring. While HTTP, FTP, and Secure protocols can all be filtered through a proxy server, HTTP is the most common. Proxy server can limit what 

Web sites users can access the network. Many organizations choose to enter in countries with offensive material, such as hacking information and to block pornography, but other countries as well as filtered. If an employer notices workers are spending more time on sites like eBay or, those sites may be blocked by the proxy server as well.